Return of the update!

This past week has been awesome. My relative from out of town and her boyfriend have been visiting. We've done adventuring around New City, a bit outside of it as well. Her bf had never travelled this far before, so it was very fun showing off New City and such.
They got to meet Dyland and his gf as well, and we had a few group hangouts.

They went home today. I miss 'em already, but they got school and life and such, so I understand. But I hope to travel and visit them again someday soon. Of course with a certain someone, c'mon. 

Work's going well, and now training is coming up for my main role.  I'll soon be in the know of what I'm up against with my main job. I'll be working weekends as I have been, but posts could still pop up any day.

This last bit has been such a chaotic fun blur that I honestly can't think of anything else to post about for now. So this will have to do!

PTE: The Hub Update

What you see now may or may not be the final version of this update. It's super late and essentially I'm content with what I have so far, but this is far different than I had envisioned.
Abridged version is if I want what I imagined, I'm going to have to dismantle lots of codes. Or import from another service, if I can build it somehow.
The Navbar is also not included in this template.  

The idea of this new PTE is it will serve as a hub of sorts. The Nemesis blogs will have a spot with their latest posts updated, giving a further eyeball boost for them, and making it easy for PTErs who follow those blogs to check up on them with starting by visiting PTE.
Which in turn means I gotta keep the posts rollin' so people keep coming here first, heh.

Other things planned include an automated banners page, revised Eric Riccy page, revised What is Pte page, potentially a page dedicated to Gamer Jay FM, and a few other things. I'll post as more updates come out, which should help pump post counts while I also plan new post types and other business.

Oh yeah, and there's now reaction faces for post. Another experiment, a new and simpler way to interact with posts.

Try em out!

Change is Coming.


(Disclaimer: Change is coming to PTE. Any real life changes that happen outside of this blog to anyone are a coincidence.)


It's weird to be at monthly blog posting. But there's been factors slowing me down.

School was a lot easier to write about. I could post anything, and what did it matter? I paid to be in the class, and no amount of salt could backfire. Work is a different story, and the internet is littered with tales of bosses who comb employees pages to see what their employee says when not at work.
So work, even as work becomes my main point of interest, it cannot and should not be posted about. And therefore, will not. So that leaves me with everything outside work.

Daily life for me is mostly appointments and errands with my mom. She's needing less often appointments now, which is wonderful! But, for what remains my presence is just as required. It's not a hardship on me per say, (albeit boring at times, but other stresses will make waiting rooms a pleasure..) but it's definitely not something that I can write posts about. Spam button posts would probably do better at that point.

That leaves me with all outside of that, which is my spare time. As of late I've been in a Daft Punk kick for music, and Rick and Morty Season 3 kick for TV. Some have teased me to go watch GoT, or at least try it, so that could be in the pipes, but yeah.
Essentially though, from that you can see an entire post of my spare times can be cleared in two sentences.

Now, PTE is actually pretty formulaic. Might be hard to believe, as it's been organized chaos...always. But I digress. It's been at least formulaic for the last 2 years.
For the last while, every post I've aimed for 3 paragraphs, preferably connected to each other but with how things go most end up disjointed. C'est la vie.
And of course, a picture. That's a PTE staple, heh.
So my simple spare time doesn't exactly work, being 2 lines at best. Tricky tricky.

I've been pondering what to do to help generate posts. I know that people have mentioned before that "PTE doesn't just have to be about your life" and "post whatever you want (within reason)" and I'm sure that posts about different things could work. I mean, best examples being the weird posts like Initiators vs. Reciprocators and stuff like that.

I guess when I had the identity struggle with what PTE was supposed to be, I hard-line decided that it was supposed to be about my daily going-ons and occasionally about my hometown Trips to help people get a hold of me in Hometown. Now lately it's neither of those things. Hence us being here.

I guess I'm curious what people think, those of you still visiting this literally old site (It's almost 8, wtf) of where I should go next. Another thing I'm considering is making a way to search for posts by title, so I can link to old ones easier for more reading. (I searched through for those two I linked. Bleh.)

What do you think?