
I uh, I might be bad at math.

16 - 9 = 7
PTE has been around 7 years, not 6.
Well, it's secure more than ever and even more antiqued or whatever.

On a different note, tomorrow my dad goes on a business trip. It's a far travel, but he should be back by the weekend.

I'm still in the same job rut which is whatever. I've been trying to get myself inspired so that I might get creating things again. Further driving this is knowing a certain animator who said he had quit his craft actually mentioned that he recently picked it up again. This helps since I haven't really made anything complete since 2012. I have made a bunch of little project things...but nothing of note.
A certain friend also pitched I should do more animating. My biggest issue is I always fall to my RO IP, which leads to a cyclic issue wherein I find something that I cant sort out and kinda falter. 
I'm not afraid to stray from the RO IP though, in fact, I really wanna branch out something new. I'm not above parody and using well-known characters either. Though the idea of accidental copyright infringing gives me cold feet.

I shouldn't blab too much about creative things here since there was a blog about it. But it's kinda my main gig at this point, and there's not much else riveting to ramble about yet.

Maybe I'll do that 'me in 3 characters' meme thing soon.

PTE: 6ecure

As the 6 year mark comes and goes (It was yesterday, my bad), PTE continues chugging along, now fancier than ever.

On that note: It's official - unless I ever get a custom IP - PTE now runs on https://. It's a simple change that really won't affect anything, but maybe please a few anti-virus softwares. If some odd issue comes up I'll revert it, but otherwise, this change really is just for the better.

But, speaking of fancy, It's high time I addressed the tags feature that just...left. [This] was a thing in post titles for a solid while, but after a bit I began to notice that posts had the same few topics in common. Work, School, Health, Generic Update... Labeling them all seemed to suck all the interesting out of the posts.
That, and trying to figure out whether a post with 50/50 of two topics should be labelled 'a' or 'b' or just 'update' was really becoming annoying.
So for now, indefinitely...The tags will not be. Except for the few posts that have them, which will serve as an example of a system attempted, and for whenever I come back to it, something to start from.

It's crazy to think this project has gone on for over 6 years. (It's been 24 hours I can say that)
I consider it my most successful project to date, since viewership is more than double my other most viewed project. (Was Second Place: Jenny's Quiz, Jenny's Show, Jenny's Game, Or Riccium Collection? The Answer Below This.)
Jenny's Game
Sorry You Lost at Jenny's Quiz 2
Numbers aside though, I've stuck with it the longest, I've put the most work into it, and it's changed the most drastically out of any other project. I've also ruined it on multiple occasions.
And continue to.

Alright I'm done being meta. Here's a picture:


City Crazy

I've gotten the city building fever again.

No, it's not a real illness. But every once in a while, my shredded architectural dreams float together with my design creativity (The thing that made JQ) and thus I begin making virtual cities.
That and I'm determined to beat cities skylines legitimately, getting a populous of 100k.

That determination though. It's there! But to harness it into something...better...
I'm working on it.

The closest I have is this Saturday.

Dyland, Jeff and I have plans to film Jeff's home opener hockey game for his team. This won't be the first time I'm filming one of Jeff's games, as I filmed some previous to make a news story about the league. (It became my best story to date...!)
This though is for a few side projects (that I'm assisting in, technically) and I'll be using my personal camera this time. (This will be the first project its used for, its been collecting dust...)
Though driver, I am a bit excited to at least have a project to do. One that isn't me myself and I as the entire team...

If we built cities on the moon, would it crash into earth?

After checking out Far Town, my parents decided that as nice as it was, it was not their location of choice to move to. The town itself didn't seem to have much to it, and apparently was surprisingly busy as two highways converged in the town. They still had a good time though.

Things have been super calm for me, which is both a blessing and a curse. Job search continues, frustratingly. My sister prods me about trying Hometown again now and again, but I know my luck will be the same or worse there.

In my other free time, I've been trying to be productive as possible. I've gotten into a creative kick, though it's through gaming. I've been making cities, which is one of my more odd fun hobbies. 
I hope that after the passion for cities burns out, I can apply the passion for personal projects. (Fun fact: RO has been making vapourware since 2013.)

I'm thinking maybe more music making again. Maybe I'll break down and buy loops or something.

Far Town

Updating PTE took me a solid 2 hours.
And I enjoyed every second of it.

Job searching continues, little success but I've peaked a bit of interest so far. I've been able to spend time seeing friends from uni, catching up and just hanging out with them. It's reassuring and wonderful they are around, figuring when this blog started, New City and friendship weren't in the same post.

Over this coming weekend my rents are heading out to check out a small town to the west. They have retirement ideas based around there. For the sake of PTE, I dub it Far Town.
I don't have any real exciting plans so far for the weekend, aside from job hunting and maybe going out with friends on one of the days.

There's also still plans brewing for side projects with friends, and if anything comes to fruition, I'll be sure to showcase it here.