
Keeping up the posting rate has continued to be hard. Not for a lack of time, rather the contrary.

"Freedom" means not much happening.

I've applied a few places, and will continue the process. Hometown is still on the radar, but is a much more difficult option to make work.
I've been back at city building in Minecraft, and am back toying with creative ideas, such as trying let's playing or animation.
If curious, I haven't tried to reboot FNWER for several reasons. 1) I'm  afraid I won't do the original series justice. 2) I'm hoping to make something better than FNWER. (Ironic compared to first point, I know.) 3) Without others to have fun (sometimes at their expense, heh) with, I have low drive to create.
I've been scrambling to understand my own creative mind, and try to master how to get myself going. Ultimately I need a trigger; something that puts a fire under me so to speak. But past and recent attempts at those haven't worked much.

I've been in talks with a friend to work together on creative stuff, as his job search sounds to be similar to mine. It's probably a far shot in the dark, and a big iff anything gets made, but trying something is better than not.

More things coming soon maybe!

The ReturnPost

...I wasn't joking about 'eventually'!

After last post came driving back to Hometown. I managed to see a certain someone and Zoo on the first day, before jetting off to the cabin. I returned during the cabin week as per a deal with my sister, which sorta bought me more time to see a certain someone. Thereafter I spent the rest of the week at the cabin. After the cabin, I managed to see 1, which turned into seeing 2 long time good friends. (One of those friends might even be reading this right now...!) The remaining 2 days I spent with family and a certain someone, before heading back.

The cabin time went pretty well overall.
I spent lots of time at the beach, one day more than I should've as I kinda got heat exhaustion. But I've bounced back, and aside from splashing around a bunch, I managed to hike, play tennis and bingo, learn a bunch of card games, and enjoy my fair share of ice-cream slushies. (People are surprised that I 'actually eat' these days, I've been lucky with not pissing off my stomach as of late is all...)
I also didn't get sunburned! I did suffer a lil when sunscreen would wash off, but nothing compared to a past back burn that can only be described as a 'stop light'.
I did forgot a hat for the cabin though, so my mom ended up buying me a random hat for the week. One of my younger cousins really liked said hat, so I gave it to her as a parting gift. I ended up getting another hat again later, this one some brand name fishing hat from the states that ended up in a dollar store. (???)
I have odd luck with hats.

Both drives to and from Hometown went pretty smoothly. I was a butt on the way there and managed to only have to drive ~2 hours of the entire journey. My cousin did a majority as he enjoyed driving though.
The way back was more an even split, as I took the construction zones and slower areas to keep pace on point. (I don't speed much but I'm somehow pretty consistent at my rate of travel..)

Once home, unpacking ate the rest of the return day. But now things are back to 'normal', in that now I'm healed from wisdoms, back from the trip, and have only the future to sort out. I have grad in November, family weddings in January and June, and potentially the cabins next August.
Otherwise, all is up in the air.

Job search round 3 begins! (Or technically continues...)
Drills Infinity Activate!~