Almost December

I survived this crazy month with its 3-10 things due a week. (I mean I still have 2 right now but same ol same ol...)
Today was a bit trash as I lost my notebook with my rough draft script in it. It seems so minuscule but then the rewrite for the script (as eventually I accepted my fate and attempted to turn frustration and anger into productivity, which somehow worked..) took a solid 4 hours leading me to have a full 8 hours at school on yet another day off.
I mean really that last sentence sums up the entire last 3 months, but still. I promised more complainy posts and nobody rejected the idea and i mean I need something to fill PTE with since I haven't had time with side projects.
Although that said those wouldn't be discussed here anyway  so I dunno why I mentioned that but whatever.

I bought a bunch of games for black friday and now have been obsessing over Beat Hazard. Its a rhythm game and I've always had a soft spot for games that are based around my music collection.
I was a bit shocked as even my simplistic songs have managed to be energetic enough for the game to translate them into immensely difficult levels.
Kudos to the devs.

Yeah aside from 8 days a week at school and vidya games, I don't have much else going on. The trip's in ~9 days, I'm super excited for that. But don't tell anyone k

Amy Day

I spent 27 hours on homework this weekend.
I thought I'd spend 36.
I saved 9 hours!

Things will get a bit calmer as the semester is -beginning- to fizzle out.

That all said, back to script writing...

What It's All About

I could blabber on how I have like 9 things due by Monday, or how I'm crashing randomly from exhaustion, but frankly, endless posts about my misery is not what I imagine is what everyone wants to read.
(If you do though please comment I'll totally make 1340925 more posts about it! Happily no less! Whatever sells...!)

Instead though, at least for this post, I'm promoting a post from the Dev Blog [Link] "It's A Train Wreck!", because it's a solid lengthy post where I discuss where I'm at with creative works.
I'll take a moment here to appreciate how life and opportunity lined up enough times for me to even make the things I have. And the people who've all been involved with my stuff, and those who still stand by my side. I know I act like I'm making the next big thing always. I can be egotistic too!

But thank you all. On not Thanksgiving.
...Welcome to The Paper Train Express.

Here's your picture:

The Quattra-Obli Outcome

Since yesterday was the day that last posts shenanigans transpired, I thought a quick update on how things played out was in order.

First, I attended the ceremony. I spent the day trying my hardest to sort out the story, (as did the others involved with it! Two main members fell ill, they tried to replace both, one twice, and still needed a 3rd thereafter due to bailing.) but alas with illness and life's punches, it couldn't work out. I'm really lucky to have had the people in my corner I did, even the bureaucratic part I was trying to get worked out I had a very helpful kind person, so though I didn't get my story done and still need to scrap one together and scramble and have that noise still; I learned a lot from the experience so far and can appreciate the efforts of everyone who was involved.

The radio show meeting was bumped to noon, so I did end up attending that. My group partly didn't show up and the other that did was busy, so that solved itself.

So that leaves the ceremony, which was fancy and pretty good. My table had a classmate of mine (which I wanted to visit with more but social anxieties locked me to my chair...) which was nice to have a familiar face nearby. It was also fun to watch the ceremony, be it now that I've taken a public speaking course so I can apply what I've learned and see how it applies in a true situation.

Alright I've yammered on long enough. Abridged version is I learned nothing about organization and am the same as always.

I wish I had a Time-Turner.

The Quattra Obligation Fiasco

So I managed to quadruple book myself.

Tomorrow after classes, I have 4 different things that require my attendance.
I won a scholorship earlier this year, and tomorrow is the award show at 4pm. I said I would be able to go as of 3 weeks ago, as I didn't expect to be overly busy from school. heh.
I have an assignment to get a news story recorded and shot, and tomorrow at 4pm is when i found something happening. I have my equipment all booked, media forms filled out and am just waiting for confirmation that I can film...without trouble. heh.
I have a group project that I've been working on week after week, and my groups getting together tomorrow at 4pm to work on it. heh.
I'm involved in a radio show project and the meeting has been bumped to tomorrow at 4pm due to Wednesday being a stat holiday. heh.

I've since then 'solved' that, as in, I've got someone to fill me in on the radio meeting, I've messaged my team about not being available tomorrow. I'm either going to do the news story (If all forms go through...) and cancel my attendance to the show, or if story falls through, attend the awards show.

The rationale is that schoolwork must take utmost priority, as the scholarship was a result of school. To make best use of the scholarship, I need to continue to work at school for it.

I'm too busy.
Can't wait for December.