not dead yet!

hey its been like forever and a day since i used this post heading its totally fair game
also it actually suits this post

so in what can only be called a sudden turn of events, today while walking the dog with my cousin and having a good time my stomach went crazy.
turned out that my intestines have flared up, as a result of food poisoning. My insides have calmed for the time being which is very good news meaning I can make this post and am not on the floor writhing in pain. For now.
At least its not appendicitis.
New City Sucks.


It is abundantly clear to me now that my 'off-ness' is nothing short of an unexpected by-product of quitting my first job ever. The rush of new emotions and 'what ifs' and 'what now' thoughts led to me being rather volatile, however the rush has passed and I'm now slowly getting used to the idea of work's out, school's in.

I found a solution to my little dog conundrum. 'Found' may be a bit preemptive, but I bought a dog whistle so I can maybe deter both dogs from contact. I'll be testing it and improving on my methods as the situations unfold.
Fingers crossed this shit doesn't become some lawsuit. I'll win.

On a lighter note, I found a song that I was having trouble finding. I kind of pride on my ability to find any song based on some little bit of knowledge on it, though I'm aware programs exist that floor any amount of skill I may gain.
A man can dream.

Oh yeah I also updated the What is PTE page ok bye

Done, Done!, DONE

I am officially done work as of today. The next 10 days will be spent packing and cleaning. Roughly on the 1st of August, My mother and I will be driving back to Hometown. (Laying over halfway and arriving the day after.)

While in Hometown, I'll be heading to the lake from the 8th-15th.

Now that I'm done! work, I'm hoping to find myself less stressed. So far however, the opposite is true. I think it may be the excitement of being forever done work mixed with the nervousness of never being able to get a job again and being worthless forever that's causing it, but over the past two days I've been way more reactive than I should be.
I watched the movie "The Purge: Anarchy" and it managed to upset and frustrate me with how badly it was written. Something as simple as a stupid movie shouldn't be able to get me, but somehow "my jimmies were rustled."
Same happened today on a dog walk. (Mind you, this one was a little more acceptable due to the circumstances.) While walking Trixie, walked past a neighbours house, who decided their little angel of a mutt could do no harm, left it unleashed. Thing runs over to Trixie, who hates other dogs and is ALWAYS aggressive, long story short the two fought. Owners response? "Hahaha"
You can see in my typing how the reaction is bubbling.

Back to hating this city I guess, lol.


The Penultimate Shift

Tomorrow 12:30 Central 10:30 Pacific


I didn't wanna say anything because I'm paranoid about rumors and things spreading hyper-speed thanks to social networks so I held off saying this until all was in place.

The mystery clock marked the day that I was and did put in my Two Weeks Notice.
As of the 21st, I will be done work. I will be organizing references and my resume in the meantime, trying to prep it for a radio job or new job next year.

The decision to quit came about as a mixture of needing to leave for full time school and needing to leave due to being out of province for indeterminate time in August (I may be coming yes...). I did not want to wait til August to quit because if I did I'd have to take time off (which would NOT be guarenteed) for the indeterminately long trip and once I got back from said trip would have to quit right after to ensure I didn't end up with school and work overlapping.

So I shot early to avoid issues. I lose $200, do not pass go. But I do get to improve my health (Many scratches and bonks from work) and stress levels will shoot down once I'm done. So I think I can deal with losing out on a bit of cash for the sake of doing better in every other regard.

In other news, as you may or may not have noticed, PTE has a New Banner. You may have also noticed the Newly Upgraded PTE TEST YOUR LUCK (is my misuse of capital Letters bothering you yet.)
The upgrade comes as a bug was found in the original PTE Test Your Luck, wherein a certain frame wasn't firing due to the way AS2 works. Long story short it now works, as well I've added 5 or 6 new outcomes. (Feel free to try to find them all!)
Also I should mention that now, if you click and obtain a luck level, if you click again on the outcome, it will reset, so you can test it again with more ease. 

If you're bored and want more rambling of mine, there's a new post on a blog I haven't posted on in six months HERE.

The Mystery Clock

I in all my infinite luck, have a clopen shift today-tomorrow. For those not familiar with the term, clopen is 2 shifts which happen within 12 or less hours between them, one being a closing or close to closing shift and the other being opening or close to opening. Due to the low amount of time between them, seen as one shift. And typically garnering whining and agony due to its effect on sleep. (Sometimes creating a lack thereof, leading to an even rougher morning shift...)

Whining aside, this month thus far has been very productive and business. Organizing things for August, rearranging Base 50, withdrawing from college so it doesn't conflict with uni, writing letters, you get the idea.

And of course, The Mystery Clock.
With less than 2 days until it runs out, I must