The Radio Project Post

I promised I would make a post about it eventually and this is the one.

In summary, this project was quite typical. I had an idea which seemed good and easy enough to do, I had the capabilities to try it out and did such, and upon execution, unexpected and unforseen issues came up.
My big issue with this project is the amount of planning that needs to go into it. Every station (theoretically) needs DJs, commercials, a playlist, guests, so many things to say and so much scripting. Spitballing on a mic is much much harder than I thought it would be.

The second toughie was mixing. Whereas I had a really high quality microphone and really good quality music files to use, they still didnt mix well together. Trying to alter my voice was a big issue as well, echo effects did some justice but my voice still stuck out like a sore thumb.

Third thing was final product. The original intent was to have these stations as CDs for use in my car, but while making them that too became problematic. Originally I was going for each vocal and song being seperate tracks so I could skip them, but then my voice would never blend with the music. I tried making mega chunk files so my voice could blend more, but then the files would be hard to skip on a CD, so if i felt like avoiding some song some day I would never be able to. (or some/all the vocal tracks....)
Ultimately it became an unsolvable conundrum.

Since what I had made so far I'm not proud enough to call finished, (and due to copyright issues....) I won't be releasing any audio from the project. That being said, I may at some point try uploading some of what I have done and linking it on PTE for people to judge and tell me what they think I could do to improve/be less bad/make fun of me. (ok I'm joking about the last one)

However, the station ideas and song titles planned to be used will be posted on a PTE page, (which will replace the SOTW, because I've decided to scrap that idea yet again lol....) so those interested can see how far the project got before the red light(s) came on.

For those who commented and thought it was cool, appreciate your support.

On that note, I'm back to "working" on more ric-olzow projects. more ideas at least...

Also the secret project I talked about some posts ago.... I've lost interest and will likely work more on it later. Its really mediocre, but if you're curious to see it, check it out HERE.

Maybe someday I'll actually finish another project....sigh...


  1. Well hey, every project runs into unexpected problems. Nothing to feel bad about there.

    1. True, though I suppose it's the constant problems that's getting to me. No project goes smoothly but my latest ones have all had some hurdle or another that goes over my head or is tough enough for me to call it quits until later.

      Hence why many things have just stayed ideas, I don't want to waste computer space with a billion just-started projects that crash in 5 minutes.
      That being said, doing that could also have unforseen benefits... I dunno lol.

  2. as dale carnegie once said Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.

    1. Good quote, I'll have to keep that one in mind.
